How To Wrap Your Hair With A Towel

How to Wrap a Towel Around Your Head

Most people are familiar with the post-shower hair towel wrap. While doing your skin care and makeup routine, you might want to try the "towel method," in which you wrap damp hair in a towel to speed up the drying process. If you don't know what you're doing, wrapping your hair in a towel won't be as simple as it appears. Do you want to finish things off? Avoid purchasing this towel turban online. Instead, take a look at our simple how-to on towel-wrapping your hair.

1. Pick The Right Towel

You'll need the right towel before anything else! A microfiber towel is ideal because it's gentle on your hair and won't irritate it. Choosing a towel that is long enough to cover your shoulders and wide enough to cover your neck to your hairline is also important.

Additionally, you can use a headwrap that is specifically designed for hair-wrapping because these are made of the same lightweight microfiber material and have a button or other fastener to keep the wrap in place. A cotton T-shirt works well as a hair towel wrap if you don't have either of those. A plain tee, like a microfiber towel, absorbs water and prevents frizz.

2. Blot Your Hair With A Soft Towel So It Isn’t Dripping Wet

As a precaution, gently squeeze out any remaining moisture from your hair before wrapping it in a hair wrap. The best way to dry long or thick hair is to flip it over and use a towel to gently press each section between the folds to remove excess water. If your hair is shorter or thinner, however, you can simply tilt your head to one side and use a towel to gently press each section to remove excess water.

When drying your hair, you can buy gloves made of microfiber that are designed to do the same thing as a towel. Dry your hair more quickly by putting them on and squeezing them.

3. Detangle Your Strands

Detangling your hair is essential before putting it in a towel. Avoiding this step will only increase the amount of knots and tangles you already have. A wide-tooth comb and detangler can be used to detangle your hair while it is still damp.

4. Flip Your Hair

In order to achieve this look, you should lean forward and flip your hair over so that it hangs in front of your face. If your hair is long, avoid tying it up with a hair tie. If necessary, use a comb to help direct your hair strands. Flipping your hair over a basin (a bathtub, sink, or shower) is a simple way to avoid making a sloppy mess when you have long hair. In order to keep the water from spreading, this is a good idea.

5.Wrap The Towel Snugly Around Your Head

At the back of your neck, the middle of the towel should rest. Ensure that both sides of your towel have the same amount of fabric hanging from them. Make sure the towel is held together firmly by bringing both sides together to a point at the front of your hairline. The towel should apply pressure to your head without squeezing it, so make sure to keep it around your hairline while you're doing this. You may experience a headache if your wrap is too tight.

Wrap the towel around your head and place it behind your ear. Some people prefer to cover their ears with a towel, but doing so can make it difficult to hear.

6. Twist The Towel Around All Of Your Hair

Starting at the crown of your head, begin to twist your towel in a clockwise direction. Wrap your hair with one hand while keeping your towel in place with the other. Take a towel and twist it around your hair to the end. Ideally, the hair wrap should be firm but not so tight as to cause damage to the hair strands.

7. Secure The Wrap On Your Head

Put your hair in a ponytail and flip it to the back of your head. Wrap the end of the towel around your head and secure it with a clip or tuck it into the opening at the nape of your neck.

8. Keep Your Hair In The Towel Wrap For 30-60 Minutes

This should give your towel enough time to absorb all of the extra moisture from your hair. If your hair is still damp an hour later, use a dry hair towel to replace the wet one and continue this process until your hair is completely dry.

9. Turn Over Your Head And Carefully Unwrap The Towel To Take Off The Wrap

Keeping your head in an upside-down position, bend at the waist and gently unwrap your hair so that you can let it dry naturally. Unwrap your hair, but leave it loose in the towel so that you don't have to whip it back to get it out of your face when you turn your head right side up. To avoid this, you can remove the towel from your hair as soon as your head is back up.

Using two towels to dry your hair is an option if you have hair that is particularly heavy or thick.


What If My Towel Falls Off Repeatedly?

Make sure you're holding the towel as tightly as possible as you wrap it around yourself. If necessary, a clip can be used to keep it all together.

Why Do I Have To Comb My Hair First?

If you don't, your hair will get tangled up in the towel and be difficult to brush or comb later on.

What If My Hair Goes Past The Towel And The Ends Hang Out?

The majority of your hair should be covered, so you should be fine. Use a smaller towel to dry the tips of your hair by hand.

Is There Another Way To Do This?

Hooded towels can also be used as an alternative. In this case, you could wear the hood while twisting your hair in the back, and then put it back on. Wrap it around your head and you're done.

How Tight Does A Towel Need To Be When Wrapping My Hair?

Towels are designed to be worn on the head for comfort. Make sure it's not pulling your hair, but also make sure it's not falling out.